people helping people
On my journey I met and became friends with four homeless people.
They taught me a great deal about the experience of being homeless.
One of them would say, "It's easy to end up on the streets but almost impossible to get off."
One of these friends and I came up with the idea of...
FULLY rehabilitating the homeless ~
mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually
We believe that this will happen at a grass roots level
by individuals, families and communities coming together
and putting time and energy towards solving this issue. ​
We are currently creating teams to help people who are homeless or alone.
It is our belief that a small group/committee is required
to help one person who needs support.
If you would like to help
in this good deed,
we would be delighted
to hear from you.
"If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you,
then you shall help him, like a stranger or a sojourner,
that he may live with you."
​~ Leviticus 25:35
Please write: reuben@apoetstale.com or call 437 477 4182 if you are able to help.