Life Guide
For ten years I was a wilderness canoe guide leading people of all ages on 10 to 20 day wilderness canoe journeys through some of the most majestic canoeing destinations in the world ~ Algonquin Provincial Park, Killarney and Temagami in Ontario, Canada. There was a common
understanding that it was important for those inexperienced in
wilderness travel to have a guide to ensure a safe journey.
In some ways, the journey of life is not too different than a
canoe trip; unfortunately, many can get lost or feel stuck because
they have not had good guidance in their life. One may feel stuck
in their work/job, certain relationships, physical/mental/emotional
well-being, their artistic aspirations or perhaps even where
they live.
Throughout my journeys I met many people and discovered that simply by being a good listener and asking a few questions, I was able to get a pretty good idea where someone was having challenges in their life.
I realized that there were a few key aspects of life that, when addressed, could help lead someone to finding that life they may have been dreaming of for a long time. Some, may have even forgotten dreams they may have had long ago that got pushed to the back burners of whatever reality they have found themselves living in.
I came to realize that I could use my experience as a wilderness guide and my life experiences to be a life guide to help people navigate through what can often feel like the 'wilderness of life'. If you are interested in scheduling a session, contact me at: 437 477 4182 or I would be honoured to help you find more meaning and clarity in your life.
We will look at a number of areas of your life:
Where you are currently at in life ~ physically, mentally, occupationally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
Your main relationships.
Where you would like to be.
How you spend your time
Your experience being alone
Your current living environment.
Healing experiences
Past Traumas.
Next steps that you can take.
Your passions & dreams.
What you loved as a child
One of the concepts that we'll explore is the Japanese concept of
Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason
for being. ' 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,'and 'gai' describes
value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss.