Where weary souls can rest their head
In a world where it seems the 'weak' get left behind, there is an urgent need for loving havens where those who may be struggling can find peace, rest, support, guidance; A place where one feels truly seen, loved, accepted, respected, and acknowledged ~ A place that feels how home is supposed to be.
Turn your space into a haven
for someone who may not have
anyone or anywhere
to turn to.
And discover the beauty
of deep friendship that forms when you truly help another.
A little fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.
Perhaps you have a farm, a cottage, a house, an apartment, a church,
some sort of business, a boat
and have some extra room
that could be shared.
Our vision is to match someone who could use a place to rest
and invite them to stay with you for some time.
We see this as a win-win situation as both sides will be
benefiting in some way, shape or form.
The other aspect of loveb&b is that so many live alone in
beautiful homes, villas, condos...
In this situation a loving, heart-centered person would stay
with them for some time and in so doing
help them along wherever they are at on their journey.
Spending time with a truly loving, heart-centered person
allows others to drop more deeply
into themselves.
Another win-win scenario;
sharing space in the physical world
and on the level of the heart.
We plan on creating a network of such places throughout the world.
The size will vary.
The theme will vary;
at some you may learn how to farm, how to surf, how to cook, draw, become an executive.
We aim to have various methods to get from one to the other ~ on our cruise line, bus line, airline or using other modes of transportation.
The time is now